or: How to benefit from 40-plus-years of experience for next to nothing
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1974 Hunter 25 sloop designed by John E Cherubini, in water - needs restoration! |
Many times the owner of an older boat will worry about the state of things - what's too worn-out to last long, what should be replaced or repaired promptly, what can be let go till a better time. Worries about budgeting the necessary work and time add up, supporting that longtime adage:
'The best two days of a boat owner's life are the day he buys it and the day he sells it.'
We all know we don't want it to be like that. We want to enjoy the boat, enjoy the dreams we have about sailing it, owning it, just looking at it. We want it to be a part of our lives, in a mutually-rewarding relationship: the boat does for us, and loves us, and we love the boat and do for it. We don't want it to be a drain on every good feeling - and on our last bottom dollar.
But when we look over the boat we see too many problems that we know will, somehow, have to be remedied. What to do first?
The 'Do-or-Do-Not' survey will simplify your life (and your boat-maintenance budget).
Relatively quickly, I can look over your boat and give you a clue as to what's needed now, what's needed soon, what's needed later, and what's not needed at all. This is a big help because most people lose a lot of money and time in doing things out of sequence. If you already own the boat and you're not looking for a $1000 survey for the insurance company, call me and I'll inspect it, from the perspective of one who wants you to fix it, not liquidate it, and I'll tell you - in writing - what you'll need to do to make it perform well, look nice, last longer and be safer. I know how to do this on a budget - I've done it all my life - and you'll get the benefit of all my hard work.
The survey report will serve as a useful guide; and you'll have less worry about doing pointless work, less worry about what to get and how much to spend for it, and ultimately more money left in your pocket.
What do you have to do?
1. Call me. We'll schedule a date for me to look over the boat. Don't pretty it up - don't paint over anything ugly - don't get the bilge bone-dry - don't overtune the rig or start slapping 'glass over everything (and don't use any silicone - at all). Let me see it as it is first.
2. Sign the contract. It basically says what I'll do, what I'm not allowed to do, what you should not assume I'll do, and what you should expect for your money.
3. Wait 2-3 days for me to type up a proper report for you. We'll meet again - in person - and I'll hand over the report. You give me money - only when you receive the report (whether you like the news or not; at least now you know).
4. Follow the survey report as a guide, doing what's most important first. Detach your emotions - we know you'd love new cushions, but if the plywood under them is rotten, what would be the point in doing upholstery now? Much of this will be the 'ugly' work - but it's the important work. I'll give you some advice on what to buy, how to do it, and whom you might call. It'll be fine.
5. Finish the boat, go sailing, and tell everyone what a great help I was to you. Give 'em my number.
What's the 'Do-or-Do-Not' survey going to cost?
I won't post the prices here but it's much less than you think. You might even have it in your pocket now. You can throw in lunch - I usually take a steak sandwich and a beer. Call me and we'll talk.
- JC2